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How to Pronounce dutch?

Correct pronunciation for the word "dutch" is [dˈʌt͡ʃ], [dˈʌt‍ʃ], [d_ˈʌ_tʃ].

Definition of dutch

  1. The people of Holland; their language; originally the Germans.
  2. Pertaining to Holland or to its inhabitants. Dutch concert, a concert in which each sings his own song simultaneously with the others; an amusement in which each one sings any song he chooses, and the company join in with some popular chorus at the end of each verse. Dutch courage, false courage, or courage inspired by stimulants. Dutch metal or gold, an alloy of copper and bronze made into leaves, and largely used in the ornamenting of toys, &c. Dutch drops, the balsam of turpentine. Dutch pink, a pigment obtained from the plant Reseda Inteola. Dutch rush, the Equisetum hyemale of botanists.

Nuttall's Standard dictionary of the English language By Nuttall, P.Austin

What are the misspellings for dutch?

What are similar-sounding words for dutch?

What is the adjective for dutch?

The adjective form of the word "Dutch" is "Dutch".

Usage over time for dutch:

This graph shows how "dutch" have occurred between 1800 and 2008 in a corpus of English books.

What is the plural form of dutch?

The plural of the "dutch" can be the "dutches".

What is the singular form of dutch?

The singular of the "dutch" can be the "dutch".

Synonyms for Dutch:


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