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How to Pronounce ibidem?

Correct pronunciation for the word "ibidem" is [ˈa͡ɪba͡ɪdəm], [ˈa‍ɪba‍ɪdəm], [ˈaɪ_b_aɪ_d_ə_m].

What are the misspellings for ibidem?

What are similar-sounding words for ibidem?

What is the adjective for ibidem?

The adjective form of the word "ibidem" is "ibidem" itself.

Usage over time for ibidem:

This graph shows how "ibidem" have occurred between 1800 and 2008 in a corpus of English books.

What is the plural form of ibidem?

The plural form of the word "ibidem" is "ibidem". The word derives from Latin, which does not typically use plural endings for adverbs and certain other words. So, "ibidem" remains the same in both singular and plural forms.

What is the singular form of ibidem?

The singular form of the word "ibidem" is "ibidem" itself. "Ibidem" is a Latin term meaning "in the same place" and is used in academic writing to refer to a previously cited source or location. It is typically abbreviated as "ibid". when used in citations.


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